
The Love Life of Clams

the love life of clams - bruce r. taub


the love life of clams

is poorly understood

and being the shy creatures we are

i can tell you only certain things

without blushing.

for starters i’ll say

we enjoy very long periods of foreplay.

indeed, many think,

foreplay is all there is in the life of a clam

and they’re not all that wrong

it’s something we clams do for hours

dare i say entire seasons without cessation

excreting eggs and sperm by the millions

sometimes the very same clam

ushering both into the world

rocking back and forth

with the flow of the tides

with the pull of the moon

laughing while switching sexes

one day female

the very next male

our essence blended

into one multi-sexual organism

open to every other clam

without shame or grief

bodies buried in the mud,

faces buried in the sex organs

of each other and of ourselves

switching sexes repeatedly …

and not only don’t we care,

but i can tell you

from personal experience

we are awash with joy

with libido and saline

free from certain sad mammalian quandaries

the chasing about looking for yet another puzzle piece

thought to be missing

the rarity of finding a mate